I f you really want to know and understand more about giving of tithe, please make out time to read and understand this. It will go a long way to make things clear to you. I was about to start writing my thesis on the subject of Tithing when someone sent me a link to Leke Alder’s brilliant article on the same subject. Upon reading his thesis; I concluded that there is no point writing again as he brilliantly captured all the points I had in mind to make. So enjoy reading his deep and sound article on this subject as noted below, along with some comments from me. First thing I will say is that Tithing is not compulsory for the New Testament believers. The Bible states that the bird in the sky do not sow or reap or gather into barns; yet your father in heaven SUSTAINS (or FEEDS ) them. So if all you seek is sustenance; grace in Christ will provide that for you even if you do not Tithe. But to operate in high Kingdom Finance is a whole different matter and you cannot opera...