PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Fake Nigerian Kidnapping Victim Debbie Peters is a Rockefeller and Zionist Agent.

After posting an update about a Boko Haram Victim Tells Her Story Before US Congress, my attention was drawn to what you are about to read below by one of my blog readers. In fact i personally watched this girl speaking on CNN this morning, and not that i was told about it. What you will read below will surprise you.

Fake Nigerian Kidnapping Victim Debbie Peters is a Rockefeller and Zionist Agent
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Fake Nigerian Kidnapping Victim Debbie Peters is a Rockefeller and Zionist Agent

Revelation thanks to our posters
Regarding false flag plots orchestrated by the Zionists, such as the fake kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls and the phony disappearance of a Malaysian Airlines 777, one of the most wretched, wicked perpetrators of all is none other than that arch-devious one, David Rockefeller. It is Rockefeller, a rabid, extremist Zionist Jew, who is responsible for the mass murder of innocents. His European collaborators, rather, masters, the Rothschilds,  are also mass murderers. The Rockefellers and Rothschilds are dripping in human blood, primaily Muslim blood.
In the past two decades alone they have butchered to death some three million Islaamic people, with a smaller number of Christians also being lost such as those who were bombed to death in Iraq and Palestine.
It is unfathomable how devious they could be. They are the kinds of individuals who would slaughter people for their own gains, including the maintenance of power and financial kingdoms – corrupt monopolies and more.
Rockefeller is paranoid. “Competition is a sin,” touted his arch-Zionist father. So, he spends all his time and money plotting and scheming, including plotting and achieving the conquest of nations, in order to maintain his monopolistic control. He does so in particular in nations rich in oil and gas wealth such as Iraq, Chad, Nigeria, and Sudan. Psychotic to the extreme, this surely explains the degree of the plots he will commit, including the faux Nigerian schoolgirl kidnapping.
It is the kind of individuals who butcher people, drive them from their homes, maim them, and cause them to be raped and defiled for the sake of the advancement of the Zionist agenda, including the upholding of the most wicked Zionist plot of all: Eretz Israel.
The cabalists of the Rockefeller and Rothschild cliques, without doubt, spread great corruption in the land through their own acts and the actions of their proxy agents. These proxy agents – and agencies –  are directly tied to the acclaimed kidnapping.
This proves that it is all orchestrated. It is done to create social strife, pitting Muslims against Christians. It is done to blacken the name of Islaam in order to cause great tension between the people of these two relgions, not merely in Nigeria but also globally.
Moreover, it can be readily proved. The perpetrators of this plot are filthy Zionists. Muslims/Islaam has nothing to do with it.
Once again, there was no kidnapping. Rockefeller and his desperate cabalists have proven that. It is a hoax. Moreover, the entity deemed responsible for the kidnapping, Boko Haram, is not as advertised. It is not “Islamist.” Rather, it is anti-Islamist, that is it is the antithesis of this faith.
When the Zionists are desperate, that is when their vile plots are revealed, they blunder severely. Regarding the faux kidnapping they committed one of the most inane blunders of all. They paraded about one of their own agents, Debbie Peters, as if she is a schoolgirl kidnapping survivor.
Where did they exhibit her? It was none other than that most vicious entity of all for the support of global war and strife, the Hudson Institute.
There is nothing ‘tearful’ about her. Even so, Peters is touted as being a 15 year-old Nigerian survivor, and as stated in the screenshot, incredibly, “the only female survivor of a Boko Haram attack ever to visit Washington, D.C.”
What did she do, escape in that remote, impoverished area and then immediately buy a ticket - not just to America but, rather, to the District of Columbia? Who in this universe would ever do so? People do not visit America to go to Rockefeller institutes in D.C. So, despite being kidnapped and seeing, as she reports, her father and brother killed, she has capacity and finances to procure such an expensive ticket, board and jet, and fly to D.C., all on her own for a “visit?” Moreover, she does so, even though she is a mere village girl, all of 15, achieving the untenable, a minor, flying to a strange land on her own? Plus, at that age she has a passport? What a filthy , treacherous lie it is.
Her proxy agent in the United States is Washington, D.C., insider and attorney, Emmanuel Ogebe:
Ogebe, far right screen, was not shy to reveal the ultimate purpose of the Rockefeller plot, which is hold absolute power and control over the Nigerian nation and far more. It is to destabilize this country and, in fact, all of Africa on the basis of that grandiose lie, which is the propped up war against ‘radical Islaam:’
Through his lying, deceiving words he also makes it clear what is the Zionist-Rockefeller agenda, which is the invasion and conquest of sovereign Nigeria, once again on the basis of the Zionist-invented Islaamic boogeymen.
In this regard Debbie Peters, aka Deborah Nyasha Peters, was brought in as a Rockefeller proxy. She seems awfully happy for a person who just saw her father and brother gunned down by so-called Islamist maniacs, while herself enduring the abuse of a kidnapping.
Deborah Nayasha Peters, the Zionist mole working directly under the auspices of America’s most powerful Zionist, David Rockefeller: what was she doing in a remote, impoverished area of Nigeria, ready and ripe for Boko Haram tyranny? In any case it is implausible to any degree that she is a 15 year-old Nigerian kidnap victim. Just as unbelievable and untenable as it seems, it is:
The woman is old enough to have multiple teenage children. She is three times older-plus as is acclaimed. People of black skin can readily hide their age. She was likely trained for this aspect of the scam to act somewhat childish. This is the real Debbie Peters, a well-placed CFR-Rockefeller mole:
A lady of New York and the upper echelon, including a former powerful position at the Rockefeller entity, JP Morgan. Make no mistake about it despite the subterfuge and disguise these are the same persons:

She’s a Rockefeller lady, not a little girl, that is an innocent, traumatized Islamist kidnapping victim:

The hair is tied back as a means of deception. Note, though, the similarities in the facial features:
Note the nature of the left nostril. It is higher than the right one and also smaller, the same in both images. Note, too, the highly arched right eyebrow, the nature of the flattened and upper lip, distinctive in shape on the left (same in both), and the fatter nature of the lower lip (same in both). The cheek bones are high in both, more full on the right, more fatty in the cheek area, same in both. There cannot be two people with the name “Deborah Peters” who have such striking similarities, especially considering the fact that the real Peters is heavily tied to entities such as the Hudson Institute (that is through her ties to the Rockefeller clique).
The teeth are the same in both images. Despite the lies and deception, it’s the same person.
It is all a grand scheme of subterfuge and disguise. Nevertheless, it can be seen by how well she is developed that she cannot be 15. Look at the hips. She is a full-fledged woman, not an adolescent. Even so, a 15 year-old being paraded about at the CFR’s Hudson Institute? Even if it were true it would be evidence of the role of the Zionists in orchestrating this hoax.
WITH THOSE FULLY DEVELOPED HIPS, WHICH MEANS FULL OVARIAN PHYSIOLOGY AND EVEN SPENT OVARIAN PHYSIOLOGY, she cannot be a 15 year-old. Look at her, how finely groomed and dressed she is. Look at her stance; look at how she holds the ‘poster.’ She’s a 15 year-old? Too, the smiles give it away; she was never traumatized, as claimed.
Note: One other possibility is that she is the daughter of  Nyasha Peters, but even so, she is older than 15.
What is the Hudson Institute? It is nothing other than an extension of Rockefeller’s warmongering entity, the CFR:
It’s agents include among the vilest, most murderous Zionist cabalists known, including that murderer of PNAC acclaim, Norman Podhoretz, along with criminal element, William E. Odom.
Even more damning is this brief assessment of the real nature of this criminal entity:
Therefore, the entire scheme of undermining this world through false flag events, real or fake, is a Zionist plot. Filth of the earth, it is the Rockefeller-Rothschild cabal which is behind the fake kidnapping of Nigerian children. It is this clique which is the basis of Boko Haram; it is their entity, not a Muslim one. Even so, the word “Islamist’ and the description “radical Islamist” is theirs.
This is a Zionist plot. Islaam has nothing to do with it. The Zionists seek to draw more blood and cause greater chaos, all based on lies. It is all based on the vulnerability of the gullible goy to buy wholesale the greatest Zionist plot of all: fake Islamic terror, a terror which is either non-existent or which they themselves create.
The boogeymen (and boogeywomen) are the Zionists, and each of them can be named, each of them identified in photos.



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