Freeze to start officiating ‘marriages in Christ’ without the ‘bondage of a legal system, tradition or religion’
Recall that he had replied someone who confronted him on his relationship status and advised that he make the relationship legitimate, that is, get married.
‘From this day onwards, I will begin officiating ‘marriages in Christ’ for citizens of the #FreeNation and anyone else who wishes to be married in Christ, without the bondage of the legal system or the burden of tradition and religion,’ he wrote.
According to Freeze, all that’s required is two consenting adults, him praying over the intending couple, a party afterwards which would cater to at least 10 people, as well as alcoholic wine which, like the party, he said is a must.
Freeze added, ‘It might take a while for people to catch on, but trust me, very soon, they will all realize that being ‘married in Christ’ is all we really need and religion and traditions are just tools for mind conditioning!’
Well then, are you getting married by Daddy Freeze or nah?
Source: NET
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