Two Russin Spies Executed By An ISIS Small Boy In A New Video

The latest execution video released by ISIS shows a small boy being handed a semi-automatic pistol
The latest execution video released by ISIS shows a small boy being handed a semi-automatic pistol to execute two alleged Russin spies.

Titled “Uncovering an enemy within”, the seven minutes of footage begins by showing the separate confessions of two Russian speaking men. They admitted gathering information for Russian intelligenceagency FSB, Federal Security Service.

The two men are seen kneeling on the ground and before the boy walks up behind them, appearing to be shooting them both in the back of the head

In the last segment of the video, filmed outdoors, the two men are seen kneeling while behind them stands a jihadi fighter flanked by an armed child. The gunman says the two are to be executed as spies and pushes the child forward.

Lack of evidence of injuries shown in the video suggests the execution may be staged

The boy then appears to carry out the killings, with two close range shots to the men’s heads, shortly followed by another two coup de grace shots. However, lack of visible injuries on the men and evidence of blood after the killings suggest the executions may be staged for the cameras.

ISIS is the self-designated Islamic State, in its self-proclaimed status as a caliphate, it claims religious authority over all Muslims worldwide. It aims to bring most Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under its political control, including Iraq Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, and part of southern Turkey.


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